Habakkuk Circle Ministries

Life, Business, Career and Ministry Coaching

Gwen Marshall

Fulfilling my dreams.
And I can help you fulfill yours too.

Meet Yourself

Meeting yourself can be likened to viewing a stone formation that is formed from the constant beating of the ocean waves.

Are you the rock formation or only a part of it? Perhaps you are only a small pebble and over shadowed by the larger formation.

You need to meet yourself for the first time and determine who you really are.

This one is all about you!

Accept Yourself

Accepting yourself is a must if you are ever going to make a change.

You may have found yourself to be one gigantic rock formation and feel the only thing you can do is block the progress of the waves. Or, a pebble of sand too small to accomplish anything. Well, accept that fact.

When you accept yourself for whom you really are, it gives you balance and the ability to take the first step toward allowing yourself to make a change that you want to make.

Establish A Goal

Now that you have met yourself think of what you would like to become or what you would like to do. Put it on paper. Take a pen and paper and write a detailed description. It’s been said that nothing is properly thought out until it is written out.

Make a list of the stepping stones (minor goals) that must be taken to reach your main objective. Prioritize your list: put the lesser stone on bottom and the objective on top. Take one stone at a time to reach your goal.

When you establish your goal, don’t make it too easy and don’t make it impossible to reach.

Identify Obsticles

Obstacles can present themselves in human or spiritual form, in fierce mannered opposition or mild mannered resistance.

But don’t be fooled. Any thing that presents itself as an opposition to accomplishing your goal is a direct threat to your goal. Opposition means ‘opposite’ and any obstacle challenges you and calls you out to a dual.

Identify your obsticles and meet them head on. Don’t try to side-step the issue.

Determine Your Resources

After identifying your obstacles, you may have to step back some so you can see the whole picture. Obstacles can obscure your vision and make you think that there are too many problems to reach your objective.

Resources are the things, or people, that you can employ to help you reach your objective. But, you have to find them. So, take a step back, get out of the waves and have a look around.


Plan To Achieve

When we say achieve, we don’t simply mean to write a list of things to do. To achieve a worthwhile goal envolves hard work, deep thinking, and detailed planning.

While achieving a goal, other roadblocks can present themselves. List and treat them as obsticles. You may have to take a detour, but don’t let them stop you from achieving your objective.


Reward Yourself

A reward gives you a sense of accomplishment.

We all need to feel like it was worth the effort. It’s the motivation that keeps us going.

Go ahead and reward yourself. You earned it.

How Do I Know if a Ministry Coach is Right for Me?

Have you ever had a deep feeling to help your neighborhood or community? Or wanted to do something special for someone who couldn’t help themselves? Or had a great desire to start a ministry, but didn’t know if you could, or even should?

If you answered “YES” to any of those questions, then coaching is right for you.

A good coach must have the ability to see both the strengths and weaknesses of the person being coached. It’s the only way to help the individual succeed and thrive. Each individual must be shown that they have a unique path in which they can truly grow.

The individual being coached must receive constructive feedback to improve her or his talents and confidence to face new projects and problems.

I like to remind myself of my responsibilities to those that I coach with the word COACHING, itself. As…

C compassion
O optimism
A achievement
C communication
H honor
I integrity
N noble
G genuine

A coaching leadership style should offer a high level of personalized support and balanced with some helpful feedback.

That’s my coaching method.

I started helping people as a teenager while growing up in a rough neighborhood. It compelled me to start a nursing career which led me to become a multi-entrepreneur, founding and operating four successful businesses.

I received my Bachelor and Master degrees from Koinania Theological College Belgium, West African Campus in Fimie Town Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

I’m achieving my dreams and I can help you achieve yours too.


My Approach

Get Acquainted

The better acquainted we are, the better we can help each other achieve our objectives.

Find A Purpose

Without a purpose, you have no direction. It’s like shooting a bow-and-arrow: if you don’t have a target, you will never hit it.

Establish Stepping Stones

Short term goals help us acknowledge what we need to accomplish to get where we want to go.

Accomplish Goals

We are committed to an exciting journey with exhilarating roadblocks along the way, but with confidence that we can reach our destination.

Ready to start your growth journey?






2909 East Arkansas Lane
Suite C-526
Arlington, TX 76010

Business Coaching
Career Coaching
Interview Coaching
Personal Coaching
Professional Coaching
Grant Writing
Goal Settings
Interpersonal Growth
Self Discovery

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